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The Tidal Bore

What is the Mascaret?

The Tidal Bore is a sudden phenomenon of elevation of the water in a river or estuary. This elevation is caused by the wave of the rising tide during high tides. The most spectacular tidal bores occur at the mouths of the Qiantang (China), the Severn (England) and the Amazon (Brazil). Physically, the tidal bore corresponds to the propagation of a jump along the course of a river or a canal.

To find out when the tidal bore passes in front of the Old Chapel, you can consult the site 161 and add 50 minutes (Bordeaux time). Visible from a coefficient of 80 / 85. It is also from these coefficients that surfers glide on the wave... Some have even seen mermaids...

When to observe it on the Dordogne?

The tidal bore is visible all year round, as soon as the tidal coefficients exceed 85. The wave is generally the most spectacular during the high tides of August and September. At this time, the river's water level is usually the lowest. The lower the flow of the river, the larger the wave.

See the Tidal Bore at the Old Chapel

Le Mascaret passes in front of the Old Chapel. To know the time of passage, take the time of Low Tide in Bordeaux and add 50 mimutes. Often the surfers are there. Do not hesitate to ask us for more information.

Tidal bore of October 9, 2021 - Coef 105 (VIDEO)

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